Your local dentists are there to ensure your teeth and gums are always healthy. That’s why, according to the American Dental Association, everyone should see their primary dentist at least twice a year. Keeping up with your regular dental appointments can help screen and treat some of the more common oral diseases. Read on to see what the most common ones are.

1. Cavities

According to the World Health Organization, oral disease now affects over 3.5 billion people worldwide. Most of these people likely have one or more cavities. A cavity is a form of tooth decay that may start as a small brown spot and, in the worst cases, get down to the root. When you’re diagnosed with a cavity, a dentist drills out the decayed part and uses a filling to protect the rest of the tooth. However, if the decay reaches the root, they may need to do a root canal.

2. Gum Disease

Unfortunately, many Americans have some form of gum disease. There are two main types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontal disease. The milder form is gingivitis, which shows up in the form of gum inflammation. However, when things get serious, it can result in a periodontal disease diagnosis. In this case, you may have swollen and bleeding gums. Your gums may also begin to recede and cause loose teeth without intervention from your local dentists.

3. Halitosis

It’s no secret that everyone has bad breath in the morning before they brush their teeth. However, it’s more of a chronic problem for some patients. When you still have lingering breath even after brushing your teeth, it may be a sign of gum disease, general poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, too much coffee, or cigarette smoke.

4. Dry Mouth

A dry mouth isn’t the most serious oral issue a person can have, but it can be uncomfortable. This happens when your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva. You may experience this at night time if you sleep with your mouth open, which can be caused by tooth misalignment or jaw issues. If you’re a smoker or drink excessive alcohol, dry mouth can also lead to hoarseness or sore throat. Visiting local dentists should be a regular part of your routine for many reasons. These professionals look out for and treat common oral diseases. If you’re looking for a reliable dentist, visit our office at Encino Friendly Dental Center for a consultation today.

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